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Onondaga Ski Club
A Club For All Seasons
Let’s have a snowshoe event at Tracy Lake next Wednesday, February 19 at 10:30 AM.
We’ll meet in the parking lot on the corner of State Route 80 and Gatehouse Road, just west of the Tully Burger King and opposite the south end of Tully Farms Road. (Please get to the parking area by 10:15 so we can get organized and start on time.)
Tracy Lake is one of a series of kettle lakes just above the headwall of Tully Valley and it’s an interesting reflection into the geology of the area. The property is owned by the CNY Land Trust and you can see more about it at The trail is relatively flat and not very long, so some of us may go around twice.
The hike leaders will be Donna Willis and Ami Kadar and, after the hike, they will likely lead us to the to the Blooming Cup in Tully, where they have delicious sandwiches.
Please be sure to register for the hike and bring your snowshoes. Contact Nev at