Onondaga Ski Club Website

Trails near the Lodge

  • 07/06/2019 9:28 AM
    Message # 7766489
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Information from an OSC member:

    In case you didn't know, there are X-C ski trails near the OSC Lodge.  The R.A.S.T.A. folks (Rochester/Randolf Area Sports Trail Alliance) have them on their trail system map ( https://www.rastavt.org/map/ ).  They are in the Braintree Mountain Forest which is east of D's Dog House. Here is the link to the specific trail map:  https://www.rastavt.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/BMFmapV2.jpg 

    I noticed the X-C info when I was checking out the info on backcountry skiing in the Brandon Gap.  The overall map (link previously provided ) shows some more ski trails east of Hancock.  This may be some good info for the Schussboomer section on the Lodge.  Probably additional info can be obtained at the ranger station in Rochester.

    The backcountry trails in Brandon Gap are supposed to be good too, but folks will need telemark or alpine touring skis with climbing skins.  I hope to check out the Brandon Gap trail system this winter.  

    Additional information for summer and winter can be found at this link:  https://www.rastavt.org/trails/

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