Onondaga Ski Club Website
These forums are here to let members of the ski club to see what others are doing to enjoy the activities this ski club is engaged in. Summer/ winter, any time of year doing so many things, we want to 'play' while we can. Be it climbing a mountain or skiing down one, pedaling or paddling, taking a walk/hike, or any other thing to keep the blood flowing and the muscles tuned up. This club does it all, and we enjoy that fact that there are always other members that might want to join up to do what you're doing or you've done. Letting others know what you did 'today' is a good way to get others involved.
Now that all said, I've been lack-a-daisy in posting things I've done, so shame on me. So maybe I'll get back to looking at the club's web site more now that ski season is (supposed to be) here, and let ya know what and where I'm doing something I think others would enjoy. ..like this past Monday we went down to Lab for our passes and to make a couple of runs. I did post this on the skiing forum today if you're interested. It's always more fun when others are having fun too.