Onondaga Ski Club Website

Playing on 'white' stuff

  • 01/17/2025 8:35 PM
    Message # 13451851

    What was the reason this club was formed? Going to the club's history tells the story.  It had to do with 'white' stuff that fell out of the sky and collected on the ground. It collected on the ground to such a degree that it could be stood upon, or somehow utilized to be slid upon if there was a device that allowed this to happen. Way-way back before any of us current members of this club took our first breath, some human figured out how to stand on something that allowed him to slide on this 'white' stuff. Once this event took place, others wanted to slide on this stuff, and a new activity suddenly became something many humans wanted to do. All they needed was this 'white' stuff to be on the ground and the proper device on their feet. This 'white' stuff  was called snow, the device called skis or today 'boards, and the proper day and weather that allowed this activity to take place. Today was one of those days. Today, a lot of members of this ski club ventured down to one of the local skiing areas called Labrador, put on skis and enjoyed sliding on the 'white' stuff for lots of what are called 'runs', from the top of the 'mountain' to the base area where there were 'lifts' that took them back to the top until each skier decided to call it a day. M&M were there along with the other club members, just having a good time carving/making turns on darn good 'white' stuff. Were you there?

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