Onondaga Ski Club Website
We’ve had some complications to our lives that have limited the number of OSC hikes I can host. Among other things, we’ve been making preparations for moving to a condo in early December and, wow, do we have a lot of “stuff” to get rid of!
Hiking is fun and I really enjoy it but, as shown in the OSC hiking guidelines, (https://onondagaskiclub.org/Hiking-Blog/10539667) the planned route should be recently hiked so the route and hazards are well known. (That was added after a couple of OSC hikes had significant problems.) That adds to our time demands and makes it more difficult for me to lead a hike
HOWEVER, if you hike your favorite trail, check it out, and get back to me, I’ll help schedule it and help lead it.
I would like to see more OSC hikes, and with your help, we’ll do that.
Nev Sachs